What is GST Registration?

GST Registration introduced in India from July 2017. As per the act its a mixture of indirect tax like VAT & Service tax for the same. It is required when your turnover or sales cross more than 40 lakh rupees in a year ( 10 lakh for NE * Hill States) as per the latest amendment from 1st April 2019.

For some specific business, it is mandatory registration without crossing the turnover limit. For ex, if you are running an e-commerce business then you have to require the GST Registration from the starting of business. We at MyOnlineCA helps you on GST Registration Online which takes only 2-3 working days and got the verified GST Certification with login details in your Email Inbox.

Who is required New GST Registration?

How GST Registration Online can be done

  1. First of all, just log in on GST official Portal.
  2. Fill up the Part A of GST Registration Form-1 by the Professional.
  3. You will get received the reference number via email and mobile number.
  4. Fill Up the second part of the registration form and upload the below documents as per the business entity.
  5. Finally, a Certificate of Registration has been issued by the Government of India once your application is approved.

Features of the GST Registration in Short?

What are the benefits of the GST Registration

There are a lot of the benefits under GST Registration which are following :-

What is GST Registration Number?

GST Registration number is an identification number which is assign to each Firm or Company or Individual.Its a like a PAN Number for the same. Its a 15 digit unique tax identification number. The first two digit show the state code & another next 10 digit show the pan number of the entity or person. Apart from this next 1 number show the state Code & another 2 number are random. For Ex – 08AAKCM0506E1ZT

GST Registration Number is 15 Digit identification number which is allotted to each applicant. it’s completely based on the Pan Number and State code. First two digit represent the state code and another 10 digits represent the Pan number of the client , one digit represents the entity code( Like proprietorship firm or partnership, etc), one digit is blank and the last one represents check digit.

What are the Documents Required for the GST Registration ?

You have to required to prepare some of the documents as per the legal entity :-

  1. In the case of Sole Proprietorship Firm –
    – Pan Card and Address Proof of the proprietor.
    – any other firm registration certificate like MSME Registration etc.
  2.  In case of Partnership Firm –
    – Pan card of the Partnership Firm with the deed.
    – Partnership registration certificate & partners id & address proof.
  3. In the case of Private Limited Company or One Person Company 
    – Pan Card of the Company , COI , MOA & AOA of Company.
    – Board Resolution with Directors Id & Address Proof.
  4. In the case of LLP (Limited Liability Partnership) –
    – COI & Pan Card of Company.
    – Deed + Partners Id & Address Proof

Apart from the above docs its required the bank statement copy or passbook and proper business place electricity bill copy with the NOC or sale deed etc.​ For the more information check here about documents required for GST registration

What is GST Registration Online Process?

We simplified GST Registration Process in just 3 Steps –

  1. Place a Request in the above form with your basic details.
  2. Make the online payment professional fee via cards/net banking/upi
  3. Get Connected with a Dedicated CA which helps you on entire GST Registration.
  4. You will get ARN Number so you can check your GST Registration Status

What is the Penalty for GST Registration?

Under the GST Act law if you are liable to register under the GST but still you ignore the same or not paying or making short payment of the GST Tax Payment then there is penalty respective the 10% of the total tax amount subject to a minimum of 10000/- INR.

The penalty can be 100% of the tax amount when the offence is subject to deliberately evaded paying taxes.

What is the Compliance after the GST Registration?

After the GST Registration, each assessee has to file the GST Returns as per the compliance. if you are registered under the regular scheme of the GST then you have to file the monthly basis returns for the same. Composition dealers have to file the quarterly basis with some conditions. you can check out here all about GST Return Filling.

FAQ on GST Registration


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